Fail together, we must. *Yoda Voice

Have you ever tried to do something and failed? Good, me too. What is failure? Don’t worry, I will spare you from a lengthy speech of utter wisdom & brilliance  opinion on the matter. Leap. It is the only way you will find out what you’re really made of.


There is much to be done in the world. Try something new. Don’t be afraid of failure.

I have been trying to figure out -how in the goodness world of mint juleps- to edit a video using some snazzy editing software. Let’s just say I have failed a couple of times.

I am still trying because giving up is the only fail I don’t want on my list. I will post a video as soon as I figure it out. Though, I wouldn’t hold your breath or anything because seriously it will be far from #CaseyNeistat status!

The point is – TRY.

You will find a way.

If not, try something else.

Never. Stop. Trying. Only then will you have failed.


The Power Behind Experience

I have been quite busy the last few weeks! I am in the midst of a few transitions (exciting ones) and look forward to regaining some normalcy. What is normalcy again? On Saturday, I woke up and watched one of my favorite movies (if not THE favorite). “Your move, chief.”

Good Will Hunting is one of those movies that I can rewatch over and over. Aside from Ben Affleck’s….Okay, I’ll leave that rant for another day. It’s a great movie. Matt Damon plays an arrogant character with lots of issues who is gifted with a brilliant mind. He is mentored by a widely recognized math professor who previously won an award comparable to the Nobel Peace Prize. He is forced to attend therapy sessions due to legal woes and begins to open up (slowly) to a character played by the late Robin Williams (Sean). While I have many favorite parts, both funny and sad, one sticks out right now.

Matt Damon (Will) and Robin Williams (Sean) are sitting on a bench after a tense moment a week or so before. Will critiques a painting near and dear to Sean’s heart. Sean is deeply affected by his words and appears pensive having a drink alone in his apartment. However, he realizes that Will is just a kid who knows of things but not from firsthand experience.

You’re just a kid. You don’t have the faintest idea what you’re talking about. (Why, thank you.) It’s all right. You’ve never been out of Boston. (Nope.) So if I asked you about art, you’d probably give me the skinny on every art book ever written. Michelangelo, you know a lot about him. Life’s work, political aspirations, him and the Pope, sexual orientation, the whole works, right? But I’ll bet you can’t tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel. You’ve never actually stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling. Seen that. If I ask you about women, you’d probably give me a syllabus about your personal favorites. You may have even been laid a few times. But you can’t tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly happy. You’re a tough kid. And I’d ask you about war, you’d probably throw Shakespeare at me, right: ‘Once more into the breach, dear friends.’ But you’ve never been near one. You’ve never held your best friend’s head in your lap, and watch him gasp his last breath looking to you for help. I’d ask you about love, you’d probably quote me a sonnet.

My stories are set in different places, many that I have yet to visit. I am recognizing the power behind experience and how it affects your thinking. In the next couple of months, I’ll be traveling to Iceland, London, and Dublin. I am confident this will open up the depths of my writing. New characters may come to mind, new perspectives may be incorporated, and new scenes will be captivated by the senses of my memory. I look forward to sharing some of my experiences as well as including them in future works. Someone once told me ‘visiting a different country amounts to the knowledge of reading 88 books’. This trip will be the first of many. Have you traveled recently? Have an upcoming trip? A traveler’s bucket list perhaps? I’d love to hear about it below!


Dear Linette…Why you should also write yourself from time to time.

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself? If you ran into your future self, what would you say?

This fun writing prompt is a great way to reflect on your achievements, future goals, and lessons that can only be learned from life’s interesting experiences. Feel free to share yours below!

Past self.

Dear Linette,

Keep focusing on your goals, even if they seem out of your reach. Never doubt your abilities. Don’t be afraid to take chances or break out of your comfort zone. It will only lead towards growth. Failure is okay, as long as you learn from it and pick yourself up. Do what makes you happy. Learn from as many people as you can and treasure the wisdom from their experiences. Never give up. Don’t stop writing. Ever.



Future self.

Dear Linette,

You’ve made it! Where? I’m not sure. I know that wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, it involves something you love. I am so happy you never gave up. Look at what you’ve become! Look at WHO you’ve become. Help others get there. Keep learning, there is always something to learn. Make new goals. Always welcome growth.



Patriots Day review (spoiler free)

As a Boston native, this one hits home. A phenomenal cast of actors rightfully paid homage by capturing the bravery and grit of some of the heroes who responded to this act of terror. Now, in this instance, I wouldn’t have even thought twice, but there was a surprising limit to the stereotypical accents that make me cringe whenever movies are filmed here. They do exist and I may even have one but when it sounds unnatural it’s devastating. Cahhh, Paaahk, Wicked Pisssahhhhhh, Don’t forget to use your blinkahhhhh (Guilty on the last one!)

Authenticity – Thankfully, they went for authenticity and I’m glad they did as it was a day that impacted many lives, including mine. From real footage of this year’s marathon to live scenes around the city, it was a great feeling to know they wanted to do it the Boston way. I will say this, be prepared to cry…for the entire movie. They did not hold back or sugar coat but it was important to have every raw emotion captured. You get the real feel of  #BostonStrong by the end of the film. Also, there are a few cameos from people who truly represent Boston which will make you want to clap and yell (I did).

Resilience – What a great representation of kicking ass after you’ve been knocked down! I remember this firsthand. Officers were out in the face of danger. The Governor and the Mayor held numerous conferences relaying as much information as possible to the public. Media coverage didn’t sleep and kept residents informed throughout a rattling and fearful time. I remember one specific reporter who looked exhausted beyond capacity and he was posted near the massive gun fight in Watertown, MA. The hospital staff with their tremendous care worked tirelessly to mend the wounds and reunite families. I worked at MGH at the time and remember President Obama visiting victims. It was truly inspiring to see people respond with unity & love.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for casting someone from Boston!

It was heavy, gut-wrenching, with an underlying message to always keep fighting!




I like bookstores and I cannot lie.

We took a quick trip to Newbury Street to check out Trident Booksellers & Cafe. There is something about holding a physical book that makes me feel complete. This is a common sentiment and with good reason. Reading is an experience. For the longest time, my husband, Chris, would try to convert me to Kindlism. He even went out of his way to buy me one. I am not against Kindle books. In fact, I’ve read quite a few books while commuting. When it comes down to it: All of I need in this life of sin, is me and my book friend.


Both floors featured a wide selection of contemporary and timeless classics. You can also enjoy reasonably priced food and drinks (coffee, wine, beer) before or after you browse.

I walked out empty handed, haunted by the thought of all of the unread books at home. I want to get through those before I start adding to the collection. For now, I’ll start a wish list. Any suggestions?

Meeting in the ladies room!

Yesterday, I found two quotes posted on the mirror in the restroom of our company building! The messages were positive, inspiring, and posted by someone with a mission to encourage others. I want to thank this person for spreading positivity! The days have been troubling for many people. Violence, Division, Poverty, Sickness. The list goes on. Even the smallest gestures go a long way and may have a greater impact than you expect!

You never know what the person next to you is going through. Spread love, patience, and kindness always!





I’ve got an idea!

To jot down or not to jot down? Lately, I’ve been writing one story after another without much time in between. I’m grateful for this. It’s the only way I’ll get better and in the end we all want to perfect our craft and tell the best story possible. My mind has been racing with outlines and ideas. Now if only these little piggies could catch up! Hey, I’ll take it.

I’ve heard many experienced writers give their take on the best way to store an idea. Some advise you to jot down anything and everything as it can always serve you later. This takes some discipline. You have to learn how to prioritize your writing projects and identify which ideas are worth pursuing. Once you have a bit of experience, I imagine, this becomes far less difficult. You get to know your own style. Also, if you read regularly, you can quickly gauge what’s working and what’s not.


Other writers, such as Stephen King, advise a more organic process.


He has said that at times he can let an idea sit in his mind for an upward of nine months! I understand his reasoning behind good ideas sticking around. Sometimes you have a strong idea in your mind that just won’t leave until it’s on paper. I love these kinds of ideas. These are the scenes, the characters, the storylines I picture clearly as I write them. I connect emotionally, I see them, I feel for their struggles and celebrate their victories. This is a connection I hope never ceases to exist!

What are your thoughts on ideas? Is there a process you recommend? Feel free to comment below!

Are we friends?

I need space. Writing space.

My husband recently designated a special writing area in our house as a gift! Major brownie points. I am beyond inspired and now it’s time to craft up some fun decorative ideas to keep things going! I have always wanted an office or a writing space to call my own and here it is! So far, this is what I’ve got!


Quotes from the experts. I am still adding to this. If you have any recommendations, feel free to leave them below!


A brainstorming board where I can create outlines, plots, and useless drawings to get me through a rough writing session.


Picked up a couple of books yesterday! Pair some good reads with popcorn and coffee and you’ve got yourself a welcoming ceremony.

A work in progress but it will grow over time.  The most exciting part is that it’s mine. I don’t have to quiet down or wear headphones. I don’t have to dress like a human. Free snacks. I always get a chair. I don’t have to leave mid-chapter or during an important scene.  I can adjust the thermostat. I can scream vibrant profanities when I accidentally delete content during revisions.

So here I am, playing The Upside Down radio on Pandora, in a room full of quotes, working towards a dream! What are some of your dreams and what keeps them fresh in your mind?







In another world. No, really.

This weekend, I was lost in a story. I spent some time reading an unreleased fantasy novel. It has been a long time since I’ve read fantasy. I miss it. I am often in awe of writers who can build worlds, creatures, ways of life.  I needed that push of creativity. I’m looking forward to sharing feedback with the author once I finish. I can see why beta readers love what they do! Please comment below if you have any suggestions regarding fantasy novels!

I have completed another round of edits for my short story. The message behind the story is important and meaningful. It truly represents my writing style. It addresses a common illness that affects 5.4 million Americans per year. I cannot wait to share it with all of you (once it’s published). *Fingers crossed!

I am still working on my second story. It desperately needs a subplot for better pacing so I’m thinking that through a bit. I am going to edit what I have and see if it will direct the story.

Snow is in the forecast for tomorrow! Think warm thoughts!

Goals (this week):

  1. Dear goodness, finish the second story.
  2. Finish last round of edits.
  3. Read every day.
  4. Attend book signing Thursday.
  5. Work on writing prompts for month of Dec.

Don’t forget to connect on Facebook!
